Mixing different versions of PHP extensions

Toomas Aas toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee
Wed May 12 20:39:42 UTC 2010

T, 11 mai 2010 kirjutas Antonio Kless <antoniok.spb at gmail.com>:

> 2010/5/11 Toomas Aas <toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee>
>> Is it possible to rebuild just the php52-gd extension to a newer version of
>> php52-gd-5.2.13 and have it working with existing php5-5.2.9 and all the
>> existing extensions, or would it be asking for trouble?
> It is possible as a interim measure, but to have your ports in tip-top state
> and to not to have any troubles with dependencies, you have to have the same
> versions of php and all of it's extensions.

I tried it out and it seems to work indeed. This is big help in my  
situations, because now I can split one big software upgrade on a  
production server into two smaller, more manageable ones.

Toomas Aas

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