Live Filesystem (Fixit Console) and NFS FreeBSD8

Grant Peel gpeel at
Sun May 9 20:49:28 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I had a routine disk change that we required today, thought it would take me 
2 hours, took close to 8.

I am sure there is something I did'nt read, or do, if anyone can help me 
understand I would appreciate it.

I have several machines connected to a NFS share on a local network. When I 
put the new disk in the machine, booted it up with FreeBSD(8) Live CD, went 
to the Fixit Console, I was unable to get the machine to connect to the 
Netowrk File Share. All other machines were still connected and functioning.

I brought up the Clinet interface with:

    ifconfig em1 inet

and was able to ping the NFS server with no problems.

I was also able to SSH to the NFS server no problems.

The NFS server is set to allow all hosts in the network.

Here is the command line I was using on the client:

    mount /enterprise

The error I got was:

    RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Program not registered

I tried everything I could think of to get it to work, adding 
nfs_client_enable="YES" to a rc.conf I created in etc/, tried nfsiod -n 4 
... all that. I tried starting rpcbind etc etc.

Again, any help would be appreciated,


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