Hardware RAID controller questions - 3Ware vs RocketRaid

Svein Skogen (Listmail Account) svein-listmail at stillbilde.net
Thu Mar 18 09:42:24 UTC 2010

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On 18.03.2010 10:35, Andy Wodfer wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Matthew Law <matt at webcontracts.co.uk>wrote:
>> Is ZFS not an option?
> I'm afraid ZFS is not an option for this customer. I use ZFS on other system
> and it works great, but here the requirement is RAID5, hotswap, hotspare and
> so on.

You should consider the LSI Megaraid SAS as well. The aging 8308elp,
performs quite nicely with decent disks. Got one here (at home) handling
8 1T5 Barracudas in RAID50 (with coldspares), that routinely handles
400+mbytes/sec io, even in windows. It's been running in FreeBSD as
well, but until I can figure out how to get reliable backups (the MPT
issue shared with OpenSolaris) I'm stuck with windows on the box.
FreeBSD's mfiutil works works splendidly with the controller allowing
you to handle things like patrol-reads from an SSH session without much
trouble. As a SAS-controller, it "eats" both SAS and SATA disks, and
plain and simple just "works".


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  /"\   |Svein Skogen       | svein at d80.iso100.no
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