Which gdb GUI do you use?

Charlie Kester corky1951 at comcast.net
Thu Mar 18 08:41:47 UTC 2010

On Thu 18 Mar 2010 at 00:15:30 PDT Yuri wrote:
>I know there is ddd, but it has so many bugs that it makes it barely usable.
>There is emacs, but I am not used to it and don't like it. It's love 
>it or hate it usually for most people.
>There is some GUI called Insight, for some reason it's not in ports. 
>I've built it and it looks unstable.
>Gives me an error message: thread.c:79: internal-error: 
>inferior_thread: Assertion 'tp' failed. ...
>Which GUI you use?

cgdb, but it's not a GUI.

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