Running an Old Kernel

Martin McCormick martin at
Fri Jun 25 19:24:15 UTC 2010

I have been attempting to shut off that "last login" message
that occurs on some FreeBSD systems every time one runs a sudo
command. I decided to bring back the last kernel which was the
original Generic kernel from the FreeBSD distribution disk for
FreeBSD8.0 to see if the problem went away. If it did, that
would indicate that the problem starts after one applies the
latest patches and rebuilds the kernel.

	The handbook covers building a new kernel very well, but
I appear to be missing something. In /boot is loader and
loader.old. Isn't loader.old the image of the previous kernel? I
copied loader to since it should be the current image
and then copied loader.old to loader and rebooted.

	The "last login" message was still there and dmesg still
showed the production date of the new kernel. In other words,
nothing changed.

	Shouldn't I have seen the production date of the
original kernel? Thank you.

	I have actually built many kernels and most were simply
a rebuild of the generic kernel after applying patches so I
don't roll back a kernel very often. Fortunately, both the old
and new kernels work. I think the "last login" nuisance started
right after installing the patched kernel.

Martin McCormick

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