Opteron 1212 w/ 4 GB RAM

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Wed Jan 27 22:49:52 UTC 2010


On Jan 27, 2010, at 1:49 PM, Iv Ray wrote:
> If we are more interested in stability than in features and performance -
> a) Is FreeBSD 8.0 the right for us, or shall we rather go for FreeBSD 7.x?

Pretty much by definition, the stability of a .x release is better than that of a .0 release.  That said, I haven't heard of major issues with 8.0, so either is likely to be fine.

> b) Is i386 or amd64 the right way?

For a machine with 4GB of RAM, amd64 is likely to be a better choice.


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