serious (for me) Xorg 7.5 mouse/kbd problem in 8.1-STABLE

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Aug 25 15:03:01 UTC 2010

On Wed, 25 Aug 2010, William Bulley wrote:

> According to Warren Block <wblock at> on Wed, 08/25/10 at 09:49:
>> If you are running hald, why not use it?  And the DontZap default is
>> back to where it used to be (off), so you could remove or comment that
>> entire ServerFlags section.
> Not sure what you mean by using hald.  Assuming I knew how to use hald,
> how would that solve my problem of the disappearing mouse pointer and
> consequent loss of functionality of my window manager?

You are telling xorg-server to not use hald with the AutoAddDevices 

>   Section "ServerFlags"
>        Option  "AutoAddDevices" "off"
>        Option  "DontZap" "false"
>   EndSection

And the other option is already a default.  So removing or commenting 
that section would let xorg-server use hald.

I don't know if this will affect your window manager.  Probably not, but 
worth testing.

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