Where is firefox-devel?

Beat Gaetzi beat at FreeBSD.org
Wed Aug 18 07:44:17 UTC 2010

On 18.08.2010 04:21, jhell wrote:
> On 08/17/2010 14:04, Unga wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Could I know what is the complete web path for branches/experimental/www/firefox-devel/?
>> This is mentioned in following mail: 
>> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-gecko/2010-August/001054.html
> Looks to me that its a local svn development repo for the freebsd-gecko
> project.

You could checkout the port like this:
# svn co

Please note you need at least version 3.12.6 of security/nss and
revision 1.21 of Mk/bsd.gecko.mk to build Firefox 4. Also this port does
not contain a CONFLICT with Firefox 3.* as the experimental branch in
our repository has a newer layout then the portstree. If you like to
install Firefox 4 please deinstall Firefox 3.* first.
We've also dropped FreeBSD 6.x support for Firefox 4.

Please be aware that ports from the experimental branch could be broken
on purpose or do not work/build so use it at your own risk :)


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