Setting Debug flag in /etc/make.conf

Anonymous swell.k at
Mon Aug 2 00:26:03 UTC 2010

(resending, previous mail didn't show up in the list archive)

Jerry <freebsd.user at> writes:

> I have been having problems with several different programs lately.
> Would there be any serious drawback to simply setting: "WITH_DEBUG= "

You'd lose `-O2' compiler-specific optimization. If you want to retain
it use DEBUG_FLAGS, e.g.

  DEBUG_FLAGS = -ggdb

Ports that build using bsdmake don't really need the second line as well
as buildworld.

> in the /etc/make.conf file to force everything I build/rebuild to be
> built with debug symbols? I am assuming that I can simply place that
> flag in the make.conf file. Do I have to also give it a value; i.e "=1"
> or "=yes" also?

Besides symbols some ports enable compile-time debugging and disable
optimization using WITH_DEBUG ifdef that may impact performance.

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