Auto update

krad kraduk at
Sun Apr 11 17:13:31 UTC 2010

On 11 April 2010 08:41, Doug Hardie <bc979 at> wrote:

> On 10 April 2010, at 23:14, Jos Chrispijn wrote:
> > Can someone tell me if there is a way of generating an email on the
> moment that someone logs in to my FreeBSD server? The mail part (phpmail)
> will be easy; I don't know yet how to trigger and pass parameter to this
> script or redirect info to a file (that I then send by email).  Thanks.
> A cheesy way to do that is to use a popen ("tail -f /var/log/auth.log",
> "r") and then read that.  It will give you every login regardless of ssh,
> telnet etc.  You could then generate the emails from that.  I have no idea
> just how resource intensive this might be.  You would also have to ensure it
> got started by rc during boot._________________________

It shouldn't be to bad as I use that method to generate stats from log files
for snmp. The log files I tail have about 200 odd lines per second and the
boxes handle it fine. But they are decentish spec but not extravagant (dell
2850 with 4gig  ram)

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