Command line not saving in 8*

Al Plant noc at
Mon Sep 21 03:23:57 UTC 2009


Anybody have a cure for the root or users not being able to save the 
command line commands in csh/tcsh over a power off?

On two machines I used for testing that have run other versions of 
FreeBSD with no issues I can't save the history as a user or root tcsh 
shell if shutdown -h or shutdown -r is used. You can exit the csh and 
tcsh and log back in and it is saved.

This happens with the all 8.0 BETA*.

This does not happen with the 7.2 p1 that Manolis distributes.

Any Ideas what to look for? There has to be something different done 
with 8* that kills off the command line history.

~Al Plant - Honolulu, Hawaii -  Phone:  808-284-2740
   + + +
   +   - Supporting - FreeBSD 6.* - 7.* - 8.* +
   < email: noc at >
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