cpdup always copying files even if they are the same [but diff user]

Peter fbsdq at peterk.org
Sat Oct 24 01:13:06 UTC 2009


If the src and dst files are owned by different users, cpdup copies the
file even if it the same.
Copying from root -> user it always copies the file
Copying from user -> user it notices that the file has not changed.
Copying form user -> user1 it always copies the file

newserv:$ls -lh cpdup.*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel    76B Oct 23 18:29 cpdup.root
newserv:$cat cpdup.root
cpdup-1.12          A comprehensive filesystem mirroring and backup program
newserv:$cpdup -vvv cpdup.root cpdup.user
cpdup.user                       copy-ok
newserv:$cpdup -vvv cpdup.root cpdup.user
cpdup.user                       copy-ok
newserv:$cpdup -vvv cpdup.user cpdup.user.1
cpdup.user.1                     copy-ok
newserv:$cpdup -vvv cpdup.user cpdup.user.1
cpdup.user.1                     nochange
newserv:$/usr/bin/cksum cpdup*
1301364783 76 cpdup.root
1301364783 76 cpdup.user
1301364783 76 cpdup.user.1
newserv:$ls -li cpdup.*
 4 -rw-r--r--  1 root   wheel  76 Oct 23 18:29 cpdup.root
13 -rw-r--r--  1 user   wheel  76 Oct 23 18:29 cpdup.user
12 -rw-r--r--  1 user   wheel  76 Oct 23 18:29 cpdup.user.1

The copying takes a lot longer when going from server to server and
different users.


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