NTP Client synchronization with a Windows 2003/2008

Jacques Henry caramba696 at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 14 16:04:43 UTC 2009

> > The 19 minutes between when I sent my suggestions and you responded is
> > hardly enough time to see if ntpd was slewing the time.  Slewing 587
> > seconds takes days.

 The thing is that ntpd is not slewing the time at all, even after several

> > Are you sure that -x in there, telling ntpd to not step unless the
> > offset is over 600 sec, doesn't override what you're trying to do with
> > the -q?  How about you try simple:
> >
> > ntpdate the_windows_server
> >
> > and see what that does?  After that look in /var/log/messages.

I don't have that command on my system...

> Alternatively, from the commandline try
> ntpd -g -q -c /etc/ntp.conf
> The -g flag allows ntpd to set the clock once regardless of the offset and
> the -q causes it to quit after setting the time.
I tried this command without success...  I can see the NTP packets (client
and server) but the clock is never set....

with the debugging option enabled (-D 3), at the end I get:

poll_update: at 15 flags 0201 poll 6 burst 1 last 1 next 17
read_network_packet: fd=22 length 48 from ac1e0105
receive: at 15<- flags 19 restrict 080
receive: at 15<- mode 4 code 1 auth 0
packet: flash header 0040
addto_syslog: no reply; clock not set

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