xen or virtualbox or vmware ?

Peter fbsdq at peterk.org
Tue Nov 3 01:16:00 UTC 2009

   Trying to setup a new 'virtual' environment.
Goal is to run freebsd in a virtual environment for ease of management and
just because I've finally got _new_ hardware that isn't ~7++ years old.

So far thinking of going
  netbsd -> xen -> freebsd/whatever [if it'll work]
or would the following be better?
  linux -> xen -> freebsd/whatever
  freebsd -> virtualbox -> freebsd/whatever
or [don't really care for]
  linux -> vmware workstation -> freebsd/whatever
    [my generic hardware doesn't work with esx[i]]

Has anyone done something similar, especially the xen type of setup or
would one recommend a freebsd and virtualbox ?
What dom0 have you found to work best with xen?

Just looking for thoughts/ideas/experience.


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