Deinstall software

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sat May 30 19:20:31 UTC 2009

> Hi!
> I installed my software using csup and make install. Now there are new

you mean FreeBSD or some add on software?

as assume latter. you should use ports for installing software.

if there are no port for it, you should write it and contribute ;)

but if you already did this way, then you have 2 choices

1) there are often make deinstall in such sources working, it will work if 
target directory will be the same as before

2) find out manually what files it put where and delete.

If you need to install software this was, try to set target directory base 
not in /usr, to not make mess with base system, and not /usr/local - to 
not mess with ports.

creating /usr/local2 is a good choice

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