Creating a 10km wireless bridge...pointers?

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sat Mar 21 07:08:06 PDT 2009

> I'm looking for general pointers of both hardware and software to
> achieve this. I'd like to employ FreeBSD as much as is feasible. This

there are LOT of wireless bridges that can do if proper antennas are used.

depending of where you are it may be not legal (output power*antenna gain 
can't be >100mW), like in EU (but nobody usually cares and controls), in US it is legal.

Do not use any "afterburners" giving power in watt range. Normal 30-100mW 
output are OK.

Example: Smartbridges 2.4Ghz WiFi radios (they are built to be used 
externally)+25dB grid antennas - worked at about real 4Mbit/s in 24km over 
the sea with large operating margin.

It was 11Mbps only radios.

But there are lot of method to do this. i think something like 50km is 

Just use one old rule - 1$ for radio, 1000$ for antenna :)

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