What Is Needed For SimpleXML Support in PHP?

Drew Tomlinson drew at mykitchentable.net
Sun Mar 15 06:20:51 PDT 2009

I have php5-5.2.9 installed on my FBSD 6.3 system.  I am attempting to
use a php script that fails with:

Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string()

Googling suggests that this function is part of the PHP software and is
installed by default unless built with the "--disable-simplexml"
configure option.

On my system, almost everything including PHP has been installed using
portupgrade.  I searched the ports and found one named php5-simplexml so
I installed it and tried the script again.  It still failed with the
same error.

More Googling and I found that "php -m" will show which modules are
available.  Here's that output:

blacklamb> php -m
[PHP Modules]

Thus it appears that SimpleXML is available.

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?  I'm lost.



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