FreeBSD 7.1R on laptop

Pongthep Kulkrisada ptkrisada at
Tue Mar 10 08:14:20 PDT 2009


Thanks for your response.

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 1:13 AM,  <Greg.Stark at> wrote:
> Some laptops do come with COM ports still.  Usually they are the
> business models.  For example, the Dell Latitude 820's have them.
Actually I don't want to adhere with such thing.
I think laptop with COM port will be extinct very soon due to marketing.
I don't want to find the solution again after says 5 years.
I believe that MANY people here are using FreeBSD on laptops without COM port.
But I don't know how they fix the problem of internal modem built with
the laptop.
The only solution I can think right now is staying in LAN and behind NAT.


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