link to dos2unix

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sun Mar 1 01:56:41 PST 2009

> long name. I tried to do a hard link on it.
> ln /usr/local/bin/dos2unix /usr/local/bin/d2u
> This command is accepted without error, but when it execute it
> d2u xxxx.txt
> I get message ==oops you renamed me using unix2dos instead.
> I also tried
> ln -s /usr/local/bin/dos2unix /usr/local/bin/d2u
> and got same results. ls -l does not show dos2unix as linked all ready.
> What am I doing wrong here?

it HAS to be called dos2unix - this program reacts on the name it was 
called as because dos2unix and unix2dos are the same binary.

if called as d2u - it doesn't know what to do.

use shell aliases

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