Server screwed up (/lib/ Undefined symbol "_nsdispatch")

Victor Starenky freebsd at
Tue Jul 14 15:46:00 UTC 2009

That's "restoring from backup" that's non-trivial :PI'd take on the
challenge of trying to restore just some pieces if you just point me into
the direction of what exactly needs to be done. I'm not asking step-by-steps
but rather something along the lines "recompile kernel - here's the link on
how to start". I don't want to abuse your help, you've already been very

Thing is - I was in the process of building a new server to replace this guy
but one not-so-happy day it didn't boot after unsuccesful update (that's
Suse for a change). Meanwhile I wanted to keep mail and stuff running until
I finish with that one.
Now rebuilding this old machine would take weeks of just CPU time alone. I
remember very well the process of putting everything up there in the first

Thanks again,

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:53 AM, Sagara Wijetunga <sagara at>wrote:

> Victor Starenky writes:
> Sorry for the lame question. But how exactly would I go about recompiling
> the base?Could you point me to any articles/manuals about it? I'm just
> trying to understand which steps exactly need to be done and how to do it.
> Compiling everything would take me a few weeks on this machine :(
> Oops, I just explain is a brain surgery :)
> Are you sure that you cannot let go your server, erase everything,
> reinstall and restore from a backup? That's the easiest.
> Regards
> Sagara

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