How to modify the default unmount time of automounter (amd)?

Unga unga888 at
Mon Jul 6 15:54:46 UTC 2009

Hi all

I'm using the amd that comes with the FreeBSD 7.2 i386.

I want to automatically mount and unmount an USB thumbdrive. Mounting part work well, but the unmounting part does work as specified. I have set "utimeout=1" but amd still take 120 seconds to automatically unmount.

cat /etc/rc.conf
amd_flags="-a /.amd_mnt -l syslog -x all /media /etc/"

cat /etc/amd.conf
[ global ]
map_type = file

[ /media ]
map_name =              /etc/

cat /etc/
/defaults       type:=host;fs:=${autodir}/${rhost}/host;rhost:=${key}
*               opts:=rw,grpid,resvport,vers=3,proto=tcp,nosuid,nodev,utimeout=1

thumdrive      type:=pcfs;opts:=longname;dev:=/dev/da0s1;fs:=${autodir}/thumdriv

I want to automatically unmount of 1 second of inactivity. Have I specified the unmounting incorrectly?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards


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