'ls' output in /sbin/restore

Jeff Blank jb000003 at mr-happy.com
Tue Jan 27 21:02:11 PST 2009


I've noticed that /sbin/restore no longer prints an asterisk next to
files/directories marked for extraction.  The man page still says the
asterisk will be printed, but 7.1-RELEASE and a recent build of
7-STABLE both lack it:

# dump L0f - / | restore if -
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Jan 27 23:48:40 2009
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping snapshot of /dev/ad4s1a (/) to standard output
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 833971 tape blocks.
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
restore > ls
.cshrc     boot/      entropy    libexec/   proc/      tmp/
.profile   cdrom/     etc/       local/     rescue/    ulj/
.snap/     compat@    extra/     media/     root/      usr/
COPYRIGHT  dev/       home/      mnt/       sbin/      var/
bin/       dist/      lib/       nvraid/    sys@

restore > add .cshrc .profile bin boot
restore > ls
.cshrc     boot/      entropy    libexec/   proc/      tmp/
.profile   cdrom/     etc/       local/     rescue/    ulj/
.snap/     compat@    extra/     media/     root/      usr/
COPYRIGHT  dev/       home/      mnt/       sbin/      var/
bin/       dist/      lib/       nvraid/    sys@

restore >

The files I added above do get extracted if I type 'extract'; it seems
just a cosmetic change.

There was still an asterisk printed in 7.0-RELEASE.  Was this removal
accidental or intentional?  If the latter, why?  Just curious.

(Apologies if this has been discussed with any frequency anywhere, but
various web searches, including http://www.freebsd.org/search/search.html,
just get me hits related to open-source PBX software.)


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