root's crontab and mysqldump

Peter Boosten peter at
Mon Feb 23 10:41:56 PST 2009

Joseph Simmons wrote:
> I added the full path and the result didn't change. I can still see it
> running in the log but the script doesn't appear to be doing anything.
> I have the following variables set in the root's crontab
> SHELL=/usr/local/bin/bash
> PATH=/etc:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
> HOME=/root
> The file I'd like to execuate has the following permissions
> rwxr-x---
> it's own by root, the contents of the file are below
> #!/usr/local/bin/bash
> date_time=$(/bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
> /usr/local/bin/mysqldump -u backup_user -pPassWord DataBase
>> /backup/db/DataBase-$date_time

I run the same script, however without the credentials. Those are in 

user = backupuser
password = thepassword
host =

my backup script:

ra% cat bkupdb

DATUM=`date +%Y%m%d`

nice -19 /usr/local/bin/mysqldump -A --single-transaction > 
gzip /home/peter/backup/mysql-${DATUM}.sql

nb: DATUM = Dutch for date



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