Wordpress Port Question

Adam Vande More amvandemore at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 23:46:31 PST 2009

Darryl Hoar wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a question regarding Wordpress and Wordpress-mu ports.   I want to
> install wordpress 
> on my personal webserver (apache2, mysql, etc).   I have several virtual
> hosts all with 
> legitimate individual domain names.  IE, www.mydomain.com,
> www.anotherdomain.com, 
> www.yetanotherdomain.com.   Do I need to install Wordpress or Wordpress-mu
> on my server ?
> The server has a clean install of Freebsd7 on it.
> I googled for my answer, but the comparisons between the two did not make it
> clear.
> Thanks for any guidance,
> -Darryl 
The other two respones suggesting referral and sessions are correct as 
well as the warnings on each.  Referrals are notoriously inaccurate and 
adding in sessions/cookie support retroactively can sometimes be a bit 
of a challenge. Depends on how important it is to you, but I think most 
people are satisfied with the vistors metric offered by a package like 
Webalizer or google analytics, although they also have shortcomings.  If 
you only need a ballpark figure, I'd go about it that way.

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