portsnap: Directory is not writable: /usr/ports

Jasvinder S. Bahra bbdl21548 at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Feb 6 13:57:31 PST 2009


I'm running a number of jails (created using ezjail) on a FreeBSD 6.4 server 
(RELENG_6_4).  If I do a "uname -a", I get the following...

FreeBSD machine.domain.tld 6.4-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE-p2 #0: Fri Jan 
9 00:01:13 GMT 2009     root at machine.domain.tld:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MACHINE 

In any case, portaudit recently let me know that some of my installed 
packages have been updated so I set the kern_securelevel setting in 
/etc/rc.conf to "1" and rebooted the machine.

I then, as root, executed "portsnap fetch update".  Portsnap downloaded the 
snapshot file, but when it tried to extract it, it failed and I was 
presented with the following...

    portsnap: Directory is not writable: /usr/ports

If I execute "ls -al /usr/", one of the lines I get back are as follows...

    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root  wheel   19 Jan 22 20:07 ports -> 

I'm at something of a loss as to why this is happening.  I'm logged in as 
root, and the above line clearly shows I have full permissions.  If I do a 
"ls -al /basejail/usr/", one of the lines I get back are...

    drwxr-xr-x  68 root  wheel  1536 Jan  9 23:53 ports

Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? 

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