is there any way to increase disk performance ?

Bill Moran wmoran at
Wed Feb 4 12:09:35 PST 2009

In response to "Yavuz" <maslak at>:

> I have freebsd7 (amd64 bit)  and sata2 disk 7200 rpm.
> it's running mail server which has services like pop3,imap,smtp and webmail 
> on this machine.
> When I type systat 1 -vmstat on command line, even I rarely see that disk 
> usage hits 100%.
> I have no problem as ram and cpu.  they is enough.
> is there any way to increase disk performance without causing any problem ?

7200 RPM is a slow disk.  You may be hardware bound.  Have a look at
gstat and see how long read and write requests are taking.  If you have
questions, post actual gstat output to the list, not your interpretation
of it.

Make sure your partitions are mounted noatime (see the man page for
mount_ffs) Also, make sure they are configured with softupdates turned
on (see the man page for tunefs)

If you're not using Maildir for your mail storage, then switch.  mboxes
get really slow when they get large.

Provide more details about your problem if you want more specific answers.

Bill Moran

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