xorg-7.4_2 error (was xorg 7.4 questions)

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Wed Dec 30 22:57:33 UTC 2009

On Wed, 30 Dec 2009, doug at safeport.com wrote:

>>> I am also pretty sure my hardware just does not work with hal and dbus.
>> What keyboard and mouse do you have?  Also, which version of FreeBSD are 
>> you using?
> All these issues are with xorg 7.4_1. I have installed xorg-7.4_2 via pkg_add 
> on a clean system and xdm-1.1.8_2. Nothing else is installed.

Well, yes, but I was asking about the FreeBSD version: 7.2, 8.0, etc. 
Mainly the difference is for USB devices.

[...xdm info saved for another message...]

> I added one line to the xorg.conf file generated by Xorg -configure:
>  Option      "AutoAddDevices" "false"

That prevents dbus/hal from being used by xorg, so it's not surprising 
they don't work.

> A diff shows this file to be exactly what I was using with xorg-7.4_1 (which 
> works albeit with a very slow startup). I have excerpted various [relevant] 
> outputs to show my hardware. I needed I can either attach or include the 
> entire files.
> startx works but locks the keyboard.

I may have asked before, but does ctrl-alt-f1 still work?  Even if the 
rest of the keyboard is not responding, that can tell you if X is alive.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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