Burning an audio CD

Christian Weisgerber naddy at mips.inka.de
Wed Dec 30 22:08:15 UTC 2009

Today I tried to burn an audio CD.  This may actually be the first
time I ever did this.

I'm sure there are all kinds of GUIey tools, but I took the simple
route: expanded a few high-quality MP3s to raw PCM with mpg123,
then put a CD-R in the drive and burned it with

  burncd -f /dev/acd0 -d audio *

That seemed to work.  Afterwards, I tried to play the CD with XMMS.
That also worked fine.

Then I put the CD into my car CD player, which was the reason for
the whole exercise.
11 tracks (ok)... playing track 1... (nothing)... ERROR CD.

The player does not like the CD.

Is there anything obvious I missed?

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          naddy at mips.inka.de

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