New user - small file server questions and quick GUI question

Kaya Saman SamanKaya at
Tue Dec 29 16:37:41 UTC 2009

> What is not unusual is to symlink /home e.g:
> # ln -s /usr/home /home
> ditto for /tmp.  i.e you remove all the stuff that uses up space from
> the root partition.
> So the only slices you need are /, /usr, /var and swap.
> How I'd slice up the disk:
> 2GB for /
> 2GB for swap
> 2GB for /var
> 34GB for /usr

Ah so BSD is slightly different from Linux in the fact that it needs to 
have /var and /usr filesystems separate??

I guess it must be similar to the way Solaris handles things when UFS 
based (not ZFS).....

The /home partition then is very similar to Solaris in that /export/home 
is considered the user directory. Means BSD stores /home in /usr/home??

> Should be OK but /tmp symlinked to /usr/tmp as some things can really
> fill up /tmp. For example, IIRC OpenOffice needs gigs of temp space
> to build.

OpenOffice or IIRC is for GUI based usage and not CLI. Since this will 
be a simple server no GUI or work will be done on the machine itself in 
terms of keyboard/mouse setup. Normally I work through SSH so will be 
much easier once I have network connectivity up and running after 
initial install :-)
> Should work fine. Just remember to make your /home and /tmp symlinks
> as soon as you first boot up.
> Regards,


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