which IP+gateway for Freebsd guest VM in VMware workstation

Nikos Vassiliadis nvass at gmx.com
Mon Dec 28 08:09:26 UTC 2009

On 12/27/2009 2:36 PM, Len Conrad wrote:
>> Take a look here:
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/config-network-setup.html
> thanks, I've been setting up FreeBSD for 10 years, and have multimple FreeBSD VMs running in several ESXi hosts.

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just didn't know your experience
with FreeBSD.

> The physical Ethernet adapter has a fixed public IP.  I have only one public IP from the ISP.  In the VMWare Virtual Network Editor, this i/f is listed as VNnet0, Type Bridged, Connected column is "-", and Subnet Address is "-"
> I'd like to stay with bridged.

You have only one IP address from your ISP, you can't use bridged, since
bridged configuration will connect the guest's ethernet to another
physical ethernet and that's all. You'll have to have another IP address
to assign to the guest. Since you don't, you have to use some form of
NAT to share the host's IP with the guest(s).

> ifconfig shows em0 with .98 and correct broadcast IP, but "status: no carrier"

This is interesting, why a virtual ethernet would report "no carrier"?
It probably indicates a "hardware" problem. Or at least a wrong
combination of FreeBSD driver + VMware virtual hardware version.

Could you boot another version of FreeBSD just to check if the em 
interface finds the ethernet's carrier? Assuming that you are trying
to install 8.0 release, try the latest from the 7 branch...

I recall that there were some problems with FreeBSD-8.0-CURRENT 
regarding em network interfaces a few months ago, but I never saw them
myself and I was a heavy user of VMware workstation the months before
8.0 release.

> I'd like to be able to ssh/ftp into the FreeBSD VM from Internet, so I'd prefer to stay away from DHCP for the FreeBSD VM networking.

I am not really sure if you can achieve this, without a second IP
address from your ISP. Can VMware workstation do any other form
of NAT besides translating the host's IP to the guest's IP???

Anyway, investigate a bit more on the "no carrier" problem and
post back to the list. Perhaps, another list that's a good candidate
for such questions is:
Though it mainly is for solutions running *on* FreeBSD, guys and girls
there, tend to be knowledgeable about solutions running on *something*
and having FreeBSD as a guest OS.

HTH, Nikos

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