Ssh: Disconnecting: Corrupted MAC on input

Mark Terribile materribile at
Sat Dec 26 17:55:28 UTC 2009


I am seeing a problem using ssh with a long-running job.  After some time, it shuts down, reporting "Disconnecting: Corrupted MAC on input."  Sometimes it reports a checksum error instead.  Sometimes it runs to completion (which takes about two hours).  This is between two 7.2 machines; it also occurs between one 7.2 machine and a 5.4 machine (which I will convert as soon as I have all my stuff running properly on 7.2).

I'm using ssh here because I need to pipe a large data stream from machine to machine.  When it works--and it will sometimes work for days on end--it's great.  But recently this problem has become the rule rather than the exception.

Any ideas?

    Mark Terribile
    materribile at


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