I have mail, but where?

Andrea Venturoli ml at netfence.it
Tue Dec 22 22:51:01 UTC 2009

APseudoUtopia ha scritto:
> Type "mail"

You have 10 mail messages in /var/mail/.
No mail for  andrea

I had already tried that, but AFAIK mail reads from /var/mail/andrea and 
that file is not there (in spite of the above message).

> FreeBSD has a daily cron security and status script that run and send
> email to root (which then is usually redirected to another user's
> account). This is probably what is sending the emails - check it and
> see.

These are redirected to my mail server, which is another box.
Besides, as you can see, I'm not experiencing this on my root account.

  bye & Thanks

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