New installation of FreeBSD with Debian dual boot

LoH lordofhyphens at
Sun Dec 13 16:09:26 UTC 2009

1) The partition editor is a fdisk variant and very flexible. You 
shouldn't have any problems.

2) I believe that FreeBSD will support NTFS read, but write support is 
(as always) flaky. The last time I had a FreeAgent drive (1TB) attached 
to my box, I was running ntfs-3g through FUSE (google both of those). 
That seemed to work, but I ran into data corruption later--the drive was 
being used as storage for a small-scale file server. After rescuing all 
the data I could, I reformatted the drive as UFS and just left it 
attached with no problems. Later, when I rebuilt the machine, I broke 
the casing apart and made the drive internal and started using ZFS instead.

Otherwise, the drive should just show up and you can mount it.

3) According to 
installing *e2fsprogs* from ports should let you just mount the 
partitions from the other OS.

Good luck.

AG wrote:
> Hello all
> I'm looking to install FreeBSD 8.0 on my system today, where it would 
> dual boot with Debian.  I have the *.iso all ready to go, so just 
> wanted to check a couple of points before I log out of Debian and boot 
> into the DVD to install.  Perhaps some veterans can advise me on the 
> following:
> (1) The Debian is the only OS on my system, so I will have to resize 
> the partitions (I currently have /,  swap, and /home).  I am assuming 
> that (after backing up) there shouldn't be any problems in doing so, 
> but is the partition editor (i.e. the tools that one uses to allocate 
> partition space) reasonably sane and plays nicely with a GNU/Linux 
> distro?
> (2) I use a Seagate FreeAgent USB drive to hold media files and back 
> ups.  With Debian I had to edit some rules and install a driver for 
> this.  What's the situation like under FreeBSD for supporting these 
> kinds of external (NTFS) drives?
> (3) If I wanted to share files between Debian and FreeBSD, aside from 
> using a data stick are there any ways that I can access my Debian 
> drive from FreeBSD and vice versa?
> (4) I do intend to use the installation handbook, accessed via a 
> different computer, while I install.  Are there any gotchas in FreeBSD 
> 8.0 (for i386 architectures) that aren't covered in the handbook?
> Many thanks.  I hope that next time I contact this list it will be 
> from my FreeBSD desktop.
> Cheers
> AG
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