update/upgrade question

Alex Huth a.huth at tmr.net
Tue Dec 8 09:33:39 UTC 2009

* Matthew Seaman schrieb:
> Alex Huth wrote:
> Yes.  If you want to track one of the development branches (HEAD, RELENG_N)
> then you have to update sources by csup(1) or various other mechanisms and
> then compile your kernel+world yourself.
> Alternatively you can track release branches (RELENG_N_M) in the same way,
> or so long as the release branch is still in support, you can use
> freebsd-update(8) to pull down pre-built binary updates. 
thx, this was a good explanation. Maybe one last (hopefully ;) ) question to
this topic. How can i see if a update has a kernel update, to prevent
unnessecary reboots?



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