[8.0R] vimage + virtual lan
Reinhard Haller
reinhard.haller at interactive-net.de
Sun Dec 6 16:07:21 UTC 2009
I'm testing the virtual network stack in 8.0. I configured 2 jails in a
virtual lan. The documentation regarding vimage is not very detailed.
I started with the following configuration:
/etc/rc.d/route6d start
setenv D1 /jails/dns1
mkdir -p $D1
setenv D2 /jails/dns2
mkdir -p $D2
cd /usr/src
make buildworld
make installworld DESTDIR=$D1
make distribution DESTDIR=$D1
cd $D1
find . | cpio -pmud $D2
mount -t devfs devfs $D1/dev
mount -t devfs devfs $D2/dev
jail -c vnet name=d1 host.hostname=dns1.intern.de path=/jails/dns1 persist
jail -c vnet name=d2 host.hostname=dns2.intern.de path=/jails/dns2 persist
ifconfig bridge0 create
ifconfig epair create
ifconfig epair create
ifconfig bridge0 inet6 fd08:e8a3:4825:10::1 addm epair0a addm epair1a up
ifconfig epair0b vnet 1
ifconfig epair1b vnet 2
jexec 1 csh
ifconfig epair0b inet6 fd08:e8a3:4825:10::11
route -n add -inet6 default fd08:e8a3:4825:10::1
jexec 2 csh
ifconfig epair1b inet6 fd08:e8a3:4825:10::12
route -n add -inet6 default fd08:e8a3:4825:10::1
Is this the suggested way to set up jails with vnet network stacks
in a virtual lan?
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