Why there are so many binary packages missing?
yuri at rawbw.com
Tue Dec 1 21:06:31 UTC 2009
Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Yuri wrote:
>> I am seeing this for a long time. If I use 'portupgrade -aPP'
>> (packages only) there is a very large percentage of packages missing.
>> Upgrading becomes many times faster when binary packages available
>> are available.
> Missing binary packages are due in the main to three reasons:
> * Restrictive licensing terms
> * Ports that through bugs, or otherwise, fail to successfully generate
> a binary package. Some ports (eg. sysutils/screen up until about 2
> months ago
> (http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/sysutils/screen/Makefile.diff?r1=1.77;r2=1.78))
> just won't package successfully, even if they build, install and run
> perfectly well.
> * The port has a dependency on another port that failed for reason
> (2). Because the ports build cluster installs the dependencies of
> the port it
> is currently trying to build from binary packages, any lower level
> port
> that fails will prevent packages being built for anything that
> depends on
> it.
Thank you for this information.
Let's put aside #1. There are probably very few of those.
It still seems strange: on my system all of the ports that I need build
ok. Why would the port build successfully, but would fail to generate a
binary package? Isn't packaging just gzipping resulting binaries with
some minor additions?
Also why wouldn't the cluster build and install a port, once the package
fails? This way the #3 item is eliminated completely. Since it looks
like there is much more likely to build a port then a binary package.
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