Serial console trouble: loader and login works, but no kernel messages

Thomas Backman serenity at
Sun Aug 23 12:34:38 UTC 2009

First off: Not subscribed to this list, please make sure to Cc me if  
you don't reply directly. :)

Anyway, I finally got my null modem cable, and plugged in in between a  
machine running 8.0-BETA2 and one running WinXP using Hyperterminal.

My settings:


# Serial terminals
# The 'dialup' keyword identifies dialin lines to login, fingerd etc.
ttyu0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.115200" vt100   on secure

/boot.config (which is read properly):
-Dh -S115200

Anything wrong in the above?
Hyperterminal is set to 115200 bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and  
no flow control (if that's the correct translation to English).

On the serial console, I go from the screen with the FreeBSD logo,  
with single-user options etc. (which works fine), and then nothing,  
until a login tty pops up (which also works fine). The main, if not  
only, reason I want a serial console is to be able to use it for  
single user mode, DDB, and so on.
All kernel messages, and all rc messages are seen only on the graphics  
card; the serial console receives nothing but the "/boot.config: - 
Dh ...", the logo screen, and then the login screen, during startup  
and *nothing* at all during shutdown. Also, I'm able to login and use  
the system both via the serial console and via the graphics card/ 
keyboard... Is this supposed to be? I'm not complaining, I just got  
the impression it was one or the other.

Any advice on how to get the kernel/rc messages etc. to the serial  
console (only or as well)?


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