ZFS Question

Amaru Netapshaak postfix_amaru at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 8 09:24:33 PDT 2009


I am interested in using something like ZFS for its distributed nature. I run a file server
with samba acting as a PDC. I also run a second server as a BDC.  What I would
like is a method for keeping both servers "shared data" drives in sync when both the
PDC and BDC are running. 

I am currently doing an incremental update twice daily to the BDC using rsync over
SSH.  It works, but its just not good enough.. if the PDC goes down, anything created
or altered after midnight or so, isnt propagated to the BDC. 

I understand I can use ZFS to accomplish this easily.. but from what I've read, you still
need to manually push updates to the backup server over ssh via cron.  So I would still
have windows of time where the file systems would not be in sync..  am I heading in the
wrong direction here? I am beginning to think I am.. 

I've been afraid of NFS for some time.. remembering back to the days when it was just
not safe to use NFS.  I may have carried that fear on irrationally.. is NFS a viable 
solution to my problem these days?  

Thanks for the advice!



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