Multiple instances of MySQL

DAve dave.list at
Mon Apr 6 20:41:28 PDT 2009

Olivier Nicole wrote:
> Hi,
>> Has anyone setup two instances of MySQL on the same server? One running 
>> just a client's DBs? Any advice would be helpful.
> That is not answering your question directly, but MySQL works finr
> over an SSH tunnel.
> You'd have your users connect/authenticate with SSH first to establish
> the tunnel, then they'd use the tunnel to forward the NySQl
> connection. 

I doubt the would be an option without a GUI to do everything for the 
user. I suggested a VPN which we can setup easily with a Cisco Client. 
No answer back from the account manager on that option.


"Posterity, you will know how much it cost the present generation to
preserve your freedom.  I hope you will make good use of it.  If you
do not, I shall repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to
preserve it." John Quincy Adams

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