anybody know about a 3.01 package *With* browser?

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Sun Apr 5 21:46:09 PDT 2009

Tim Judd writes:

>  Reference - dependency list for OOo 3.0.1 package, 7.1-R i386:


>  I'm not sure why there's so much depenencies, but if anyone wants
>  me to post it, I want to know.

	Because OOo declines to re-invent the wheel?  Some of these are
easy to understand if you know almost nothing about programming -
the fonts for example.  Others, like cairo, pango, expat, and CUPS,
are established libraries for dealing with things like text
input/rendering, graphics, and printing.  "gtk" is the GUI tookkit.
	What I don't understand is things like pciids-20090224.

				Robert Huff

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