Audio Production

marshc marshc187 at
Mon Sep 22 09:50:40 UTC 2008

> I've just been following this thread and have remained silent until now,
> but the linux kernel from my experience is nowhere near as stable or as
> fast as the freebsd kernel. Another cool feature is you can build your
> own kernel, stripping out anything unnecessary and including any
> optimisations that you think will help.
Well thanks, because this was part of my original question. All I know
is that you can modify GENERIC for a custom kernel and i can remove what 
i don't need there, and add ext3fs and vesa, and was asking whether 
there were other settings
elsewhere to tweak, but i am begining to think it would involve diving 
into the actual kernel
source code, and other such sinister hacking. I'm using studio64 now and 
will eventually research
a little what it involves, but i had just asked here to  find out if 
there were any similar project or groups
doing that sort of stuff on fbsd.

so at this point all i can ask is, are there other more in depth 
settings somewhere? or should i forget about it?
i have almost concluded it is the latter.

> I think jack is still possible on freebsd too (correct me if I'm wrong),
> so all in all I think your latency will not be as much of a problem on
> bsd as it was on linux.
jack is available on fsbd, yes. on my earlier post however, i was 
rushing  a reply before
going out and was trying to cover too much at once, and don't think i 
explained myself properly.
I was trying to recap on my original question and explain the whole 
purpose of what i was looking for, since i still am not
entirely clear till now. I was also trying to explain some basic areas, 
thinking maybe it would also reach some _NON_-audio consious,
fsbd expert that might have some ideas, shed some light and point in the 
some direction.

I mean i am not really a latency freak, and not my main concern. It is 
an unavoidable factor in audio production,
something you live with and can manage on way or the other, and i was 
mentioning it trying to get to the big picture.
That is , more or less, that latency is an issue, but you can work with, 
and what you really want is a computer that is
basically always ready for your orders and request, individed and at the 
drop of a dime - " play this out there. that out that,
record this part, write it to disk, mix that,,,, i don't care how, just 
do it and don't interrupt me".

> I'm only just getting into this area myself, but I've been using freebsd
> for a while now and I'm extremely happy with it (bar some driver issues,
> particularly in multimedia- tv cards, etc- which may be rectified
> natively very soon, or using the linux support in the kernel). The
> multimedia list will be very helpful to you I'd say, and swapping notes
> is always good.
> Good luck.
I am very new outside windows and been on holidays spending alot of time getting familiar with freebsd as an OS, not audio,
but it is an issue eventually. I wanted to know if it worth investing my time in it with those future plans in sight, or if i should make
like a band aid and settle on ubuntu studio64 now.

Like you mentioned, i was very happy with it as an os, but i had some basic performance issues and couldn't make out why. I am pretty sure it was due to
my setup and lack of knowledge, basic settings/configs somewhere, but wanted to know if fbsd could be further optimized with those issues solved. 

dunno, this is ubuntu studio64 now and i have come to like it very mucch. it is well build; but think i would switch to fbsd at the drop of a hat given the choice.
I respect the fact that most pro/long time users of fbsd would be network/server oriented, and you can't match fbsd there, but i also think the bigger the community, the more likely new faces, new groups, new projects.

i haven't used jack much yet, but have known about it for a while, and going on specs and capabilities, it should be the better system. It is like windows ASIO and Rewire into one package. From what i heard it can route any signal between any running audio program, even if they are not normally aware of eachother, or build with that capability.

good luck to you too,  

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