GCC Compliler

Dean Huffaker pfeathers at rocketmail.com
Wed Sep 17 22:34:34 UTC 2008

I need to compile a c module called camerad.  I have a makefile that is suppose to be used to perform this compile job.  Problem is that I get an error and I don't understand exactly what the problem is.  Here is the execution of the makefile with the error and then I did a cat on the makefile itself.  
CameraMgr2# ./makefile
camerad.o:: not found
CameraMgr2# cat makefile
camerad : camerad.o ../shared/util.o
        gcc -o camerad camerad.o ../shared/util.o

camerad.o: camerad.c camerad.h ../shared/util.h
        gcc -I../shared -c camerad.c
The first part of the makefile makes sense to me.  Create a camerad using camera.o and stuff from .shared/util.o
camerad : camerad.o ../shared/util.o
        gcc -o camerad camerad.o ../shared/util.o
And that part works fine.  If I just run those two statements it works OK.  
But the second part does not make sense. and It gets the error camerad.o not found.
camerad.o: camerad.c camerad.h ../shared/util.h
        gcc -I../shared -c camerad.c  
Any idea what might be going on?


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