Being a shell provider - good business?

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at
Mon Sep 15 03:26:43 UTC 2008

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-questions at
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at]On Behalf Of Beech Rintoul
> Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 10:59 AM
> To: freebsd-questions at
> Cc: Art Vandelay
> Subject: Re: Being a shell provider - good business?
> On Saturday 13 September 2008, Art Vandelay said:
> > Hello. My friend thinks that being a shell provider for IRC bots
> > and bouncers is very good business. How do I convince him it's not?
> >
> > Sorry for going off-topic and cross-post, but I don't know who else
> > to ask.
> Ask him how he's going to deal with all the angry users when one of 
> his script kiddie users gets the IP k-lined from all the irc servers. 
> Or how he's going to deal with law enforcement after one of his 
> accounts uses the shell for nefarious purposes. At the ISP I worked 
> for we stopped offering shell accounts to all but our most trusted 
> clients for those exact reasons. The only way I would even consider 
> it would be to have a block of IPs and jail every user. Even then 
> it's a legal and security minefield.

At our ISP we still offer shell accounts.  It is not a legal and
security minefield, I don't know where your getting that from.
There isn't anything that a user can do on a shell server that
they can't already do from an IP address on the end of a DSL
line.  Of course, we have our shell accounts on a separate server
and that server is behind a bandwidth limiter so they don't get
any more bandwidth than a DSL line would get.

The only real security issue is that you have to assume that
there is no security -between accounts- and so we provide a
statement to every shell user saying that they have no expectation
of privacy from other shell users.  We also disclaim backup
of course - they have to backup their own stuff.

The fact of the matter is that if you are offering web hosting and
you allow shell scripts, there is nothing preventing someone
from running a CGI application that will give them a shell 
prompt on the webserver that they can access from their web
browser.  The webmin program has one of these in it, and I'm
sure there's tons of others.

The real issue seems to be to me that your friend is actively
soliciting customers that he -knows- are going to be using his
service for nefarious purposes.  People that do this typically have
a very weak AUP and do not enforce their AUP if it's violated,
and trust me, word gets around if they are like this.

I would explain to him that
the dangers of doing this is that sooner or later he's going to
snag a child porno guy who will setup an irc bot to trade underage
porno with his other child porno friends, and it won't be long
before the FBI has shown up at the colocate shop that his server
is located at, and put a tap on his server.  Every large colocate
farm out there in the US at any given time has at least one
of these servers that the FBI has an active tap on and I can
tell you that when the FBI has gathered enough data that things
will be extremely unpleasant for your friend.  He can assume
from the get-go that his server hardware will be gone, and that's
just the beginning of it.

All of the national providers have rooms with black boxes in
them that only the top senior admin deals with, and that recieve
visits from the men in black from time to time.

And if the colocate shop is overseas, things can get even more
unpleasant.  Let me explain that in the United States, the courts
do not accept as a defense that the defendant was kidnapped in
a foreign country and secretly flown in to stand trial - and while
the CIA doesen't regularly engage in these operations, they do
from time to time.  Foreign governments are even worse - Israel
for example, regularly engages in kidnapping suspects from
other countries and has been known to just kill the suspect
if the kidnapping doesen't work out.  Your friend definitely
does not want his server in that country.  And child porno is one
of the few international crimes that virtually all the world's 
governments police forces cooperate on.


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