GPT Support on Freebsd

Franck Royer royer.franck at
Mon Oct 27 03:36:14 PDT 2008


That's my first real try of a bsd system.

I installed pc bsd (the last version) on my macbook.

I use refit to sync my dos and gui partition table.

I already have many partitions :

- fat32 (containing the firmware of the macbook)
- hfsplus (mac os X + the files for efi)
- ext2 ( /boot of my gentoo system )
- ufs (PCBSD)
- ext3 (my /home of my gentoo system )
- some other stuff

I would like to mount my /home in pcbsd. The problem is pcbsd populate
the /dev only with the four first partitions. It's the partitions that
are in the msdos table.

Can I oblige pcbsd to look the gpt table instead of the msdos one ? How
can I access to my fifth partition ?

If you need more informations or logs, just tell me :D

Thank you.


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