I've just found a new and interesting spam source - legitimate bounce messages

Jeremy Chadwick koitsu at FreeBSD.org
Thu Oct 16 07:52:57 PDT 2008

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 09:01:02AM -0500, eculp at casasponti.net wrote:
> In the last hour, I've received over 200 legitimate bounce messages from 
> email services as a result of someone having used or worse is using my 
> email address in spam from multiple windows machines and ip addresses.  
> The end result is that I am getting the bounce messages.  I'm sure that 
> others on this list have experienced the problem and maybe have a 
> solution that I don't have.
> The messages are allowed through my obspamd/pf and pf smtp bruteforce  
> blocking rules because they are completely legit.
> I guess the work around is to filter them on incoming together with our 
> local bounce messaages util the spammers get tired of my address.

The term coined for this type of mail is "backscatter".

There is no easy solution for this.  The backscatter article on
postfix.org, for example, caused our mail servers to start rejecting
mail that was generated from PHP scripts and CGIs on our own systems,
which makes no sense.  The article:


If the backscatter is all directed to a single Email address (rather
than a series of addresses, e.g. sdfkjhsfjkksjdf at yourdomain.com, and
you have *@yourdomain.com accepted), then a solution is to reject
mail with an RCPT TO of an account or virtual address that does not
exist on your machine.

This, of course, has a wonderful side effect: spammers now have a way to
detect what Email addresses on your box legitimately accept mail, thus
once they find one which never gets a bounceback, will start pounding
that address to kingdom come.

Let me know if you do find a reliable, decent solution that does not
involve SPF or postfix header_checks or body_checks.

| Jeremy Chadwick                                jdc at parodius.com |
| Parodius Networking                       http://www.parodius.com/ |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.              PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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