How to get my Dad's Win2k system to access internet through my FreeBSD 6.2 system

Manish Jain unxfbsdi at
Mon Oct 13 23:39:19 PDT 2008


I am poor at networking and need a little bit of help. My dad has a 
Windows 2000 machine with a network card but does not have a connection 
to the internet. My freebsd 6.2 box is connected to the internet and has 
2 network cards, rl0 and rl1. rl0 connects to the ISP and rl1 is 
directly connected via a long Ethernet cable to the NIC on my dad's 
machine. While I can access the internet easily, I want my dad to be 
able to connect to the internet with my freebsd box serving as the 
gateway. Can anyone please explain to me in easy steps how to accomplish 
this ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Manish Jain
unxfbsdi at

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