warning message when starting opera-9.60.20081004 on amd64

Dino Vliet dino_vliet at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 11 12:57:05 UTC 2008

Hi All,

when I start opera on my amd64 machine running freebsd 6.3 I get the following warning message on my console:

[: missing ]
grep: ]: No such file or directory
exec: /usr/local/share/opera/bin//operapluginwrapper.linux: not found
opera: Search operapluginwrapper: No response from wrapper after five seconds. Probe stopped.
opera: Shared object "libjvm.so" not found, required by "opera"

It i strange it asks me for a .linux file, while I'm on freebsd.

uname -a
FreeBSD amd_desktop.telfort.nl 6.3-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE-p4 #21: Wed Oct  1 08:07:27 CEST 2008     rgilaard at amd_desktop:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL  amd64

And opera itself gives me the following warning message about my plugins:

Opera encountered a problem during plug-in setup.

Plug-ins will not work properly.

Check your installation.

Could not start plug-in executable 'operapluginwrapper'

Searched directory:


The version of opera I'm using is:
pkg_info | grep opera
opera-9.60.20081004 Blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser,

Does anyone know what's wrong on my system and what I could do?
As a consequence, the java plugin is not working on opera while it does work on firefox.



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