Converting RSA to PKSC#15

Olivier Nicole on at
Fri Oct 10 09:43:59 UTC 2008


I would like to install my own certificates for several APC UPS.

I already generated the key file and the csr, got the csr signed and
get a crt.

But APC wants a file in format PKSC#15 that is bundled containing the
key and the crt (and the ca ?).

Anyway, they (APC) provide the tool to build the bundled file,
provided that the key comes in pksc#15 format.

I could start the generation of key and csr again, but then I would
have to get these new csr signed by the ca, which I would prefer to

So is there a way, having the rsa key file to convert it into a
pksc#15 file?

Best regards


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