resident memory limit

Brad Penoff penoff at
Tue May 20 21:39:31 UTC 2008

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Bill Moran <wmoran at> wrote:
> In response to "Brad Penoff" <penoff at>:
>> I have an application that runs on Linux or Mac OS X but seems to have
>> a problem when I run on FreeBSD (6.3 or 7).  The issue is the memory
>> footprint for the application (osubw_sctpclien below) is quite large;
>> on Linux it can be as much as 950 MB in resident memory, according to
>> top.  However, on FreeBSD I start to get ENOMEM always around the time
>> my resident memory size is about 200 MB.
>> I read a few posts and have seen people fixing their problems by
>> adjusting kern.maxdsiz in /boot/loader.conf and/or by adding a swap
>> file.  I've tried both and for my application, it still seems to be
>> limited to 200 MB resident memory regardless of maxdsize and swap file
>> setting.  I wrote a toy application (malloctest below) that calls
>> malloc in a while(1) and breaks once it gets ENOMEM (doing another
>> while(1) so it doesn't exit); this application's memory size in top
>> always matches the kern.maxdsiz setting, however it has a very low
>> resident memory number, according to top.
> Have a look at /etc/login.conf and the associated man pages.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

This system has the default settings for all users set to "unlimited"
for more or less all login.conf categories.  I've pasted them below.
My application uses a raw socket so I was running it as root, which
also uses the default settings.

It mentioned that setting memoryuse is the same as setting both -cur
and -max ; any ideas why memoryuse is saying it's unlimited even
though it is not?  I tried explicitly setting -cur to 1000M and it
still started giving ENOMEM around 200 MB resident memory in top...


        :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/sbin
/usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin ~/bin:\


> --
> Bill Moran

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