How to config ipv6 for this instance

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sat May 10 07:04:08 UTC 2008

> on laptop, but still can't get it done.
> The local network administrator only suggest the following steps to
> setup ipv6 on windows xp and it works fine on that platform. I just
> don't know to get it work on FreeBSD, would anyone guide me in detail
> so I can also help the people aroud me.
> Many thanks!
> // The following steps make ipv6 works fine on windows xp
> ipv6 install
> netsh > interface ipv6 isatap set router
> netsh >interface ipv6 add route ::/0 2 2001:da8:207:1:0:5efe:
no idea what is "isatap"

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